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Alma's Journey towards Spirituality

This is what she has to say...


" I'm incredibly blessed to be born in a spiritual setup. My mom's family already realised that this world couldn't bring lasting peace. They knew it was only through devotion that they could be eternally happy. This set me on an early journey during my teens when my Uncle asked me to introspect on this question -  “Who am I?” And he gave a clue- it is not 'you', or 'your name', or 'your work', or 'your body', or 'your relationships' etc. they are just illusive perspectives of one's self-perception."

Alma has intrinsically enjoyed observing life in all its glory. Her teaching methodology is totally based on practical "life lessons" and self-faced "challenges".


In the words of Alma -

" Life is the ultimate teacher. Let each challenge transform us into a more loving and conscious human being; that is when it all starts to change "

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Neither past nor future exists. If they do, just try to show yourself where?

It is just a construct of our conditioned mind. Past exists in our memory, and the future in our imagination.


Can you go into the past or the future right now?

No, because it is forever NOW. 


Present Moment Coaching helps a person stay calm and peaceful in the present moment. In other words,  when the mind begins to create stories, a person becomes conscious enough not to get attached to the situation and stays centered and balanced in the middle of any situation. 

White Plants

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