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Are you ready to live a life of awareness in 2022?

Updated: Mar 14, 2023

Living a life of awareness is only possible when we are a watcher/observer. When we watch our life as it is lived by another person, just like any character in the movie.

Though there are a few pointers where we can direct ourselves to live a life of awareness.

1. Be okay with not making any goals

Do you want a bigger house or a better body or even more peace? As long as it is on your want’s list, it’s far away from you. Rather, make it your own for there is no place for separation.

What I mean here is we create distance by thinking or feeling it’s a future goal or a special goal that is “not here” or “we don’t have” in the present and that is achievable only in the future.

Then you will continually find yourself in the process of becoming or reaching. You give his message out that you are not there yet.

This kind of thinking creates a division between you and your goal. You are somewhere living in your head, in your story of not arrived yet or not being enough. But the reality is somewhat very different.

But once you realize that you are fully here, fully you right now, without even adding a single thing, you imbibe everything. Only your mind or thoughts creates a distinction. Just like a fish is a fish, it doesn’t need to be rich, slim, or different to realize herself fully. It is important to understand “Who we are” before moving to any other agendas or ideas to happiness. And once we move with that awareness everything comes easily though it may not be required then.

Make a priority to know yourself, to know the truth- “Who am I? Why are we here? What am I going to take out of this life?” And then with that understanding let everything naturally draw to you. You will just become the medium for universal plan and action. And from there you will enter in a no-effort zone.

2. Dropping judgment to what’s outside of us

We can’t change the weather, we can’t change our mother’s nature (no matter how hard we try), and we can’t change what other people think about us. In other words, we have no control over things outside of us. And why do we even want to have control? The best is to let it be. That won’t even shrink us a bit.

That’s because we can’t tell the Sun to rise one hour later to suit our schedule, we just put the curtains on (inner work). The Sun has its own identity, just as any other human being has. We can’t hate the Sun for its scorching heat or for coming out too early, we just abide. Even if we don’t accept, nothing changes. It is similar while dealing with other people.

Acceptance with unconditional love is the best recipe for every relationship, for we radiate and bloom when we are in our truest self. And we then become free of everything that tries to hold us back, we become one with life, one with all.

3. Changing the conventional style of Prayer

The prayer we were taught to do in our culture is mostly fear-based, it is to please the deity and to get worldly benefits (money, child, marriage, love, job, etc.). While we fold our hands in the temple and it is a great thing, we must also work to make our soul and our heart like a temple – a pure place so that God can shine its own light. Imagine, if a light-bulb is covered with dust, Would you be able to see its light properly? Also, can we love a person with this kind of heart? Just like that when our heart gets cleansed, the light shines from within and without.

When every breath become our prayer, we radiate love and joy every moment. In essence, we become God-like.

4. Saying “YES” to life

Whenever we say No to anything do we even check within – Is this my fear or old pattern? Whenever my mind does say no, I always ask back – “Why? What’s wrong? Why not just try and see! Maybe it is God’s decision for you. Don’t put your head, just go to the truth” And Once

I say “YES”, I always wait and trust the decision, I don’t fill it with fire.

Just understand nothing could happen differently. You are always at a perfect place according to the Universe’s plan.

The ground where we are standing right now is fertile. It produces learning, awareness, peace & love. It doesn’t mean your mind will always acknowledge this fact but that doesn’t change it.

5. Getting aware of the true beauty of this moment

The beauty of this moment is indescribable. The comfort of this moment is deeply felt in presence. The texture of air that touches our skin, eyes that perceive the world, love that we carry in our heart can only be felt right now wherever we are. Take a pause and feel. Our breath and our senses connect us to this moment. holds That both the worlds together, inner & outer.

When you live moment by moment, trees rise again, the clouds begin to move like it wasn’t there before. Just like you are watching a photograph after a photograph, with all the things appearing and disappearing at the same moment. In a true sense, our being is just aware of what’s in the front/here, rest of everything is just imagination and memory. For instance, if you see a tree, it is only aware of this moment. It knows no time.


We see the stars, moon, sun, trees as a watcher, when we watch our life in the same way, we are only living it, we are not it. See, when we stand by the window of our house and look down, we see many things, we become the watcher/witness. Someone may see a crying baby, hovering clouds, or something else. Not everybody will see the same thing. We draw our experiences (likes or dislikes) according to our samskaras ( past patterns and beliefs). We choose to look at the things we want to see not what all is there. Is it real watching or filtered watching?


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